Corroboree West 2019
Corroboree West was held in Perth, Western Australia, from 7 - 11 October 2019.
Hosted by Tourism Australia in partnership with Tourism Western Australia, Corroboree West 2019 took place in Perth, Western Australia, from 7 to 11 October 2019.
Corroboree West is a biennial Australia-based trade event that combines a training workshop and familiarisation visits exclusively for qualified Aussie Specialist agents from USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy and New Zealand. These qualified Aussie Specialists actively sell Australia as a preferred long-haul destination to Western travellers.
The 2019 event provided a professional forum for Australian sellers to train Aussie Specialists and strengthen their specific product knowledge. In addition, through familiarisation visits, the agents had first-hand experiences with quality Australian tourism products, enhancing their ability to promote and sell Australia.
The Aussie Specialist Program is Tourism Australia’s global online training program shared by all eight state and territory tourism partners to provide frontline travel sellers with the knowledge and skills to best sell Australia.