Develop your product for the international market.
It takes time to establish and position your product in the international market and achieve a successful level of international sales. Your marketing strategies should be well-planned and incorporate a variety of activities that target both the international consumer and the travel trade.
Developing your product to an international standard requires an acute understanding of international consumer needs, motivations and different travel styles, as well as language, cultural and culinary requirements. Understanding these will enable you to see where your product fits internationally and select the right markets for your product.
To be successful in the export tourism industry, it is important to understand the roles of Inbound Tour Operators, International Wholesalers, Retail Travel Agents and other partners in the international travel distribution system. You will need to identify key partners and establish and maintain relationships with them over a long period of time. Your product price structure should also support the commission levels required by your partners in the distribution system.
The Australian Tourism Toolkit is designed to provide you with the basic tools, knowledge and key contacts needed to enter the export tourism market. This information, combined with advice and assistance from tourism associations, industry bodies and tourism operators, will put you on the path to inbound tourism know-how.